In-Depth Course Content for all Your Needs

Courses are premium learning tools designed to take an in-depth look at the various aspects of the proposal process.

From pre-RFP business development to strategy and content development, we’ll go over everything you need to know to put together a winning proposal. Many of the upcoming courses are dedicated to a specific aspect of the proposal process, so you can skip the courses you don’t need and dive straight into the ones you do.

Courses are a new RMRC offering, so we’ll be rolling out new content throughout the year. Don’t miss this incredible learning opportunity. Sign up for course announcements to make sure you don’t miss registration!

Course Content

Courses are self-paced and include combinations of video lectures, worksheets, workbooks,
and other supplemental materials designed to help you succeed.

Course registration is currently only open at certain times during the year, but don’t worry!
You’ll have plenty of opportunities to register for classes that interest you, as well as lifetime access to any courses you purchase.

Check out the upcoming courses below.

Make this the year you improve your win rate with this strategy course.

Win Theme Workshop

Everything You Need To Know About Crafting and Using an Amazing Win Theme

Have you ever sat down to write a proposal and felt lost, like you weren’t sure where to start? Have you completed your first draft, but still felt like something major was missing? Ever thought that a proposal just wasn’t “clicking” for you?

If you’ve ever walked out of a kick-off meeting still feeling lost, or received a draft mark up with conflicting comments, you’re probably lacking a win theme. Win themes are guiding strategies that breathe life and purpose into our proposals.

In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about crafting a quality win theme, including:

  1. What a win theme is, and why it’s important.
  2. The components that make up a good win theme, and how to articulate them.
  3. How to put your win theme into action throughout your proposal.